Nagaiki Caregiver Referral Program

Nagaiki, in Japanese, means “long life”. The goal of our Nagaiki Caregiver Referral Program is to enable seniors to live an independent life at home, for as long as possible, with “Kimochi” care and support.  To that end, we offer a Nagaiki List of caregivers along with resources to help seniors and their families in the search and hiring process.

Kimochi is not a home care agency.  We do not bond or insure the caregivers who are listed in our current registry.

The senior and/or family is the employers and will make decisions on schedule, work responsibilities and compensation.  Kimochi can provide a sample Personal Care Agreement Form that families may use when ready to hire.


  • There is a suggested voluntary contribution of $25 to use the Nagaiki Caregiver Referral Program for up to three (3) months.

  • Please contact us if you hire a caregiver from the Kimochi Nagaiki Program so we can update it accordingly.

They can maintain a list of individuals (Nagaiki Caregiver Referral Program) who are interested in working to take care of your senior. We found two great helpers who spoke Japanese and worked with our family for about a year.
— D. Miura

For more information on Kimochi Nagaiki Caregiver Referral Program, please contact:

Kimochi Social Services
1715 Buchanan Street, San Francisco, CA 94115
Tel: (415) 931-2275

Yoshimi Higuchi, Social Services Coordinator,


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For more information, please call us at (415) 931-2294 or email