Our Board of Directors

The individuals that make up the Kimochi Board of Directors come from various backgrounds and professions, with a common goal to set policy that will enable generations of seniors to age with dignity, pride, support and friendship.

Michi Yukawa, M.D., Chairperson  Mary Ishisaki, Secretary Mari Kawaguchi Mark Moriguch Dennis Sato

Greg Yee, Vice Chair Rod Henmi Ellen Kiyomizu Benh Nakajo Gail Tanaka

Aaron Nakahara, Treasurer Roy Ikeda Bill Lock   Kyle Oura  


Kimochi Executive Staff

Steve Ishii, Executive Director

Melissa Nihei, Director of Programs

Rod Valdepenas, Controller

Linda Ishii, Director of Residential Services


Welcome to Kimochi

Melissa Nihei, Director of Programs

Join us in welcoming our newest member to the Kimochi team. Read on to learn about Melissa’s impressive contributions to the Japantown Community and Kimochi. 

Tell us a bit about yourself. 

I am a biracial Yonsei and third generation San Francisco native. My husband Max and I live in the Outer Sunset with our daughter Cori and our dog Inari.  


What's a hobby you have that might surprise people? 

I really enjoy traveling, particularly road trips. In 2022, I drove from Dallas, TX to San Francisco with my husband and a couple of friends. The most interesting place I have been is Salvation Mountain in Niland, California which is near the Salton Sea.    


What do you enjoy most about working in the Japantown community? 

I started working in Japantown in 2013. It truly is a small town within the big city which gives JTown a uniquely warm and inviting atmosphere. Although I do have family roots here, I did not participate in any youth activities or groups in JTown while I was growing up. However as an adult, the community has impacted me in more ways than I can count, including introducing me to my husband! 


Can you share a project or initiative you’re particularly proud of and how it made an impact? 

My first job in the JTown community was at the National Japanese American Historical Society. While there, I was lucky enough to have the opportunity to assist with their teacher education projects and travel to a number of Japanese American incarceration sites. Being able to bring school curriculum about the WWII incarceration experience to teachers and students that live locally to the former camps, and being able to travel to these locations and see parts of the rural US that aren't often visited was an incredible experience. 


What is your hope or goal for Kimochi as you begin as its new Director of Programs? 

My hope is that I am able to continue to honor the legacy of those who established Kimochi through providing culturally competent services to the Japanese American community. 

Thank You to Our Agency Sponsors

Thank You to Our Agency Supporter

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